quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2009

Victims in Europe – 23rd Annual Conference of Victim Support Europe

On 25 and 26 June 2009, the Victims in Europe – 23rd Annual Conference of Victim Support Europe will be held at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in Lisbon.
The purpose of this event is to gather experts and professionals in the area of justice, social matters (civil society organisations) and policy-makers from different countries.
This Seminar will also be an opportunity to present the framework of existing rights, and debate whether these rights are in fact being implemented in the European Union. It will thus constitute an important opportunity to discuss which rights require further implementation measures, in order to meet the needs of victims of crime.


Thursday, 25th June

OPENING [Auditorium 2]
Portuguese Ministry of Justice – Alberto Costa (Minister of Justice, Portugal)
Incoming Swedish Presidency of the European Council - A message from the Minister for Justice, Beatrice Ask
Victim Support Europe – Jaap Smit (President of Victim Support Europe)
European Commission Representation in Portugal - Margarida MarquesChair: APAV - Joana Marques Vidal (Chairwoman of APAV, Portugal)
PLENARY SESSION 1 Project Victims in Europe [Auditorium 2]
Preliminary results of the assessment of the implementation of the Framework Decision on the standing of victims in criminal proceedings in the 27 Member States - Carmen Rasquete (APAV - Project Victims in Europe, Portugal) and Antony Pemberton (InterVICT The Netherlands)
Chair: João Lázaro (APAV, Portugal)
Coffee Break
Theme A: Victims of crime, law practice and victims’ perception of the criminal justice system [Auditorium 2]
Project Victims in Europe: legal and organizational implementation outcomes – Antony Pemberton and Suzan van der Aa (InterVICT, The Netherlands) and Carmen Rasquete (APAV - Project Victims in Europe, Portugal)
Theme B: Different countries, different realities? [Room 2]
The Position of Victims Rights in Europe - Frida Petersson (Victim Support Scotland)
The role of the victim in the criminal justice process – Gertraud Eppich (Ministry of Justice, Austria) and Lisa Puhringer (University of Vienna, Austria) Theme C: Transnational Victims and Terrorism [Room 3]
The Role of Victim Support in Crisis and Calamity Situations – Rob Sardemann (Slachtofferhulp Nederland, The Netherlands) and Peter G. van der Velden (Institute for Psychotrauma, The Netherlands)
The Psychosocial response to terrorist attacks and other Major Disasters – Bruno Brito (disaster psychologist specialist, Portugal)
The International Statute Of Victims Of Terrorism - Carlos Fernández de Casadevante Romani (University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)
Theme D: Children and women victims [Room 1]
Women in Police Precincts. some questions around police, violent crime and gender relationships – Susana Durão (Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon,Portugal)
State of the art of the conceptualization of adolescents as victims of crime – Gerwinde Vynckier (Ghent University, Belgium)
Theme E: Victim Support and Best Practices [Auditorium 3]
Victim Support and Best Practices – Providing Victim Support Services Today – Chris Wade (Victim Support England & Wales)
Further education as a contribution to the development of professionalism in the field of victim services: experience and resulting knowledge – Jutta Hartmann (ADO, Germany)
PLENARY SESSION 2 Discussing the Concept of Victims of Crime Today [Auditorium 2]
David Miers (Cardiff Law School, United Kingdom)
Hans-Joerg Albrecht (Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg, Germany)Chair: Gillian Guy (Victim Support England & Wales)
Coffee Break
Theme A: Victims of crime: law practice and victims’ perception of the criminal justice system [Auditorium 2]
Victims of Crime: a Study of Member State’s Legislation, National Policies, Practices and Approaches concerning Victims of Crime - Andrew Sanders (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
EU-MIDIS: findings from the Fundamental Rights Agency’s EU-wide survey on minorities’ experience of criminal victimization – Jo Goodey (Fundamental Rights Agency, Vienna)
Theme B: Different countries, different realities? [Room 2]
The position of crime victims in Finland: formal rights for strong victims? – Päivi Honkatukia (National Research Institute of Legal Policy, Finland)
Spanish constitution and rights of the victims - Elena Macías Otón and Francisco Manuel García Costa (Fundación de Victimología, Spain)
Theme C: Transnational Victims and Terrorism [Room 3]
Trafficking in human beings and the protection of victims – Frances Brodrick and Denise Marshall (POPPY Project, United Kingdom)
Theme D: Children and women victims [Room 1]
Children Witnesses of Domestic Violence – Marketa Vitousova (Bily Kruh Bezpeci, O.S., Czech Republic) and Ilse Vande Walle (Belgium/United Kingdom) Theme E: Victim Support and Best Practices [Auditorium 3]
Overcoming difficulties in the countries without a national Victim Support Organization – Laura Albu and Laura Chiticariu (Community Safety and Mediation Center, Romania)Chain cooperation as a Basis for Success – Roland Knobbout (Victim Information Counter The Hague, The Netherlands)
End of the Day

Friday, 26th June
PLENARY SESSION 3 Coordinating the victims’ rights instruments in the European Union [Auditorium 2]
Council Framework Decision 2001/220/JHA on the standing of victims in criminal proceedings
Council Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA on combating trafficking in human beings
Council Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography
Caroline Morgan (Criminal Justice Unit – DG Justice, Freedom and Security, Belgium)Chair: Dame Helen Reeves (United Kingdom)
PLENARY SESSION 4 Victimisation and Vulnerability [Auditorium 2]
Sandra Walklate (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)
Sir John Thomas (European Network of Councils of the Judiciary, Belgium)Chair: Susan Reid (Victim Support Northern Ireland)
Coffee Break
Theme A: Victims of crime: law practice and victims’ perception of the criminal justice system [Auditorium 2]
How can we access to Justice for Victims of Crime? – Malini Laxminarayan (Intervict, Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
Secondary victimisation and evaluation of the victim support services – Josep Tamarit Sumalla (Spanish Society of Victimology, Spain)
Theme B: Different countries, different realities? [Room 2]
Sónia Reis (Ministry of Justice - Department for Alternative Dispute Resolution, Portugal)
When the offender come home - Victims' rights «pos sententiam» – João Morais Rocha (Court of Appeal, Lisbon, Portugal)
José Albino Caetano Duarte (Commission for Crime Victims Compensations, Portugal)
Theme C: Transnational Victims and Terrorism [Room 3]
On trafficking of victims in Greece – Niki Roubani (European Network of Women, Greece)
Trafficking in human beings and victim protection in Sweden – Märta Johanson (Örebro University, Sweden)
Theme D: Children and women victims [Room 1]
A Critical Assessment of the Criminal Justice System and Victim Advocacy in Cases of Sexual Assault and Child Sexual Abuse – Laura Wall (Rape crisis & counseling center “Frauenhorizonte e.V.”, Germany)
Role of Childline in providing assistance to child victims of abuse and neglect in India – Beulah Shekhar (Childline, India)
Theme E: Victim Support and Best Practices [Auditorium 3]
What is Data Protection and why is it important to victims? – David McKenna (Victim Support Scotland)Preventing to become a victim: a data protection project for the youngest – Project Dadus – Clara Guerra and Sónia Sousa Pereira (Data Protection Authority, Portugal)
PLENARY SESSION 5 Role of Research in Pushing Forward Victims’ Rights [Auditorium 2]
Diogo Pinto da Costa (Porto School of Criminology, Portugal)
Arlene Gaudreault (Université de Montréal, Canada)
Chair: David McKenna (Victim Support Scotland)
Coffee Break
CLOSING SESSION Where do we go from here? [Auditorium 2]
Hans-Holger Herrnfeld (Bureau of the European Committee on Crime Problems of the Council of Europe)
Jaap Smit (Victim Support Europe)Chair: Carlos Coelho (Member of the European Parliament, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - LIBE)
End of the Day
Closing Dinner

Saturday, 27th June
Annual General Meeting of Victim Support Europe


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Mensagem de boas-vindas

"...Quando um voluntário é essencialmente um visitador prisional, saiba ele que o seu papel, por muito pouco que a um olhar desprevenido possa parecer, é susceptível de produzir um efeito apaziguador de grande alcance..."

"... When one is essentially a volunteer prison visitor, he knows that his role, however little that may seem a look unprepared, is likely to produce a far-reaching effect pacificatory ..."

Dr. José de Sousa Mendes
Presidente da FIAR